Do Not Pray for Easy Lives. Pray to Be Stronger Men.-JFK

The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent but if we can come to terms with this indifference then our existence as a species can have genuine meaning.
However vast the darkness we must supply our own light.

I forgot the author of this profound piece, suffice to say it' not me.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Bilderbrug Dance Inferno USA Version

I have avoided being a barking dog  voice adding to the din as the thrashing US empire does the slam dance on the geo-political resource dance floor. Drunk, no respect punks with toys to die with. All to kill you pretty. Live fast at the Empire disco.
 So if you are still dancing the two-party country USA two-step please adjust your rose tinted corporate sponsored sunglasses.
Dear Americans, we the visible leaders have it all under control. The sky is blue, the recovery is around the corner, I see the green shoots...don't you?
 Q-1,Q-2,and Extend and Pretend makes the stock market go up just like Viagra.

A birdie told me when Obama was elected that this guy was the new brand new drag to borrow David Bowie. Continue the Wolfowitz Doctrine a la the Bilderburg jockeys for new order dance society. Further his whole job was to preside over the "crash" of the economy. The Americans would have the warm feelings and hope. Just click your heels together and wish hard. Gotta hand it to Madison Avenue boys. They know a new song hit when they here it.

 I am getting the growing awareness being tossed, thrown,and violently shoved on the capitalism dance floor that Bilderburg Stomp will be increasing it's volume. Those guys sure love a party. But their parties take that velvet rope thing to absurd extremes.

That is what Bowie was talking about in Scary Monsters, Supper Creeps.
Turn to the left!
Turn to the right!
But not that old fashioned kind from Germany. The AK-47 Economic leave no trace special Hegal vinyl issue. Very select. Only for a few.
Use the most available minority.Throw them one against another. You want synthesis. A different outcome.
Test in the media. Work the doctrine, strategy out in the selected think tanks.
Mix, stir, sit back and watch.
As Obama sang broad thoughts to broad horizons at the United Nations who was sitting so prominent in the audience?.Are you up there in the DJ booth sensing the floor? Merge beats left. Merge right. Meet with Palin, throw em at each other. Black/Latino/Progressive for better tomorrow against the white middle class?
Palin pit bull white America goading the race rage?
 Did they dream this up at the Council on Foreign Relations? Or was it the Hudson Institute? I hear their doing some really good work these days. Not to mention all the others, planning, preying on my future.
Polyester suited nightmare dream pimps for the global predator class.
Take a bow! You've worked really hard. And now you're working on the old red, white and blue. Why not?
Why should we be anything special?
I hear the boys of Bilderburg were talking all about this new thing called Demand Destruction in the nineties.

Demand Destruction. It's the latest fashion folks. Just dive into a trash can and you'll get the picture.It's fabulous the homeless have been doing it for years, but you were all too self-centered to notice. Your house being an ATM and all. Sucker!
The crazy fringe has it right.
Mix beats and fade and fold capitalism/communism. Make it a song to die for!Turn it up real loud.
I want want my fascism radio DJ. I want my download. Tell me how to behave.

So where are we as a nation?
Dying.  We got to, and unless knights in shining armor appear this song will end abruptly. Studio 54 has to go. There's this one in China that's getting all the cash.All the other nations are there. It's called THE BRIC, but a lot of dear Americans so adorable like children are wishing the globalization merry-go-round would  be fair. Too late. The dress code at the disco is very strict now and only the rich have the threads to go to the VIP section, where they sit and watch the serfs and drink Christal.

The boys in black limos need to transition to the new world order. People have to dance. Money has to flow, and the drugs. Don't forget the drugs.
It is apparent to me that we have sped by two important forks in the road in the so-called Us of A. One was in Neo-Con Cowboy boy prince administration. Instead of playing the economic competition game we decided on blunt war with Iraq Not a fair fight at all but that wasn't the point. I commend the marketing. Well done. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery. Yea! Homeland Security.

 Mr. "go to the dark side" Cheney had his closed door energy VIP resource party planning closed doors and Iraq wasn't consulted. Who cares you say. I got my SUV, it's all good. Yes, so true.
A Hollywood  9/11 real movie,crashing airliners, collapsing buildings. The cavemen who are the enemies of the world. It's like Disney for adults.
  The bloodsport thirst for revenge. Yea, who loves you baby. They hate your freedoms.
  CIA asset gone rogue Saddam decides that oil could be priced in a bourse. Well the empire struck back. Slaughter, destruction, more maiming and a nation of orphans that survived. But they got the oil. Who is they? Ah! You see that is never covered in the mainstream news these days.
The democratic government of Iraq has all it's oil money at the New York Federal Reserve. All is well.
Nothing to see hear, move along boy. We know what we're doing.
We'll remind you with a funny little island off the coast of Florida. Rumsfield says it's fabulous.

But to quote a famous president, let's move on dear Americans.
Forget the "record". We make up a new reality every day. Magical thinking. Or to quote Joan Didion, Playing It As It Lays. It's exactly what the my leaders are doing. But who's whispering in their ears?

  I wonder the Russians, and Chinese who were booted from Iraq might have issues. Is this part of the Bilderburg double cross? Pit bull that will need to be put out of it's misery. That's what their saying.

Now the liberation dance is happening in Libya. The music is starting people. Get up. Dance. Forget your worries. The inflation, the prices will be drowned out by the humanitarian love bombing. It's all good.
A new day is dawning....

Who is spinning the records way up in the DJ booth? I can't really tell these days. It's getting hazy, and I have less money. No job and they keep telling me it's my fault.
But the people keep telling me I gotta have dance fever.
But don't stop dancing! It's this new one on  total full spectrum dominance.Full tilt NATO boogie. Everything will be all right. Just believe. No hangovers.

Carlos Slim, capitalist, worlds richest man says he doesn't really trust the way things are right now. Worlds recorded richest man, let's not count the hidden wealth here. Rothschild NM. Off-shore hidden and all that. He's not a leftist, a cold hard capitalist.Realist. He's from the 2nd world so what is he saying? The Zombies are in charge of the capitalism western version. I have my money at the JP Morgue.
That alone is Freakout, LeFreak Le Chic.
The Chairsatan as they say is prining the money for the elite to keep the special casino up and running
GOLDMAN SACHS/JP MORGUE/B ofA/MORGAN STANLEY got the exits and door covered they tell us. Holy Batman! I am looking at the exits.
It's going into Disco Inferno, a lot of people won't be able to stop dancing. Some people are on heavy drugs.Fox News/CNN/MSNBC/CNBC. The haze is so thick I can barely breathe at this capitalism disco deluxe but I gotta live. Got to keep on dancing. It's really crazy.
USA and forever war. Wall Street, military, upstairs for us, downstairs for you. Serve us and maybe we'll let you in. Dog eats dog. Dog eats another dog. Biggest dog gouges him at least warning.

Seriously. Ever argue with a crackhead? Nuff said.

Obama will win I believe. All the cuts happen after election to appease a christo-fascist bring back the old daze cult(who are basically creeping national socialism, neither christian, just red,white and blue brown shirts for billionaire cocks). I don't like this song. The thumping hate bass really goes over well with screwed over types.  Like David Bowie said people from bad families and all that.

We are the goon squad and we're coming to town. Beep Beep. And we're coming to town.DC!
And by that I mean not just whites frothing with race issues but the other minorities programmed with victim chips expertly played by unseen social engineers. Latino, Black, and Poor whites. Toxic dance party Kosovo 2012. Looking for the exits at disco inferno.
 Turn to the Left. Turn to the right.

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