Do Not Pray for Easy Lives. Pray to Be Stronger Men.-JFK

The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent but if we can come to terms with this indifference then our existence as a species can have genuine meaning.
However vast the darkness we must supply our own light.

I forgot the author of this profound piece, suffice to say it' not me.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Washington Consensus Is A Dead Can Dance

Apparently Bejing was not too subtle(is China turning a new leaf?)as Washington Consensus was rumbling about Pakistan "having to know all about Bin laden".
Bejing has explicitly told DC that any act of war towards Pakistan would have consequences. China is selling lots of fighter planes to their new found friend and DC
mandarins don't probably like it. Wonder if the Chinese planes could really do damage compared to the death dealing hawks of the US defense contractors?
I think we will find out in the future. But please don't let me tear you away from your celebrity spin cycle to something so dull as a possible buildup to WWIII fellow Americans.
But I don't know even some of you with the 24 hour news cycle attention span will
maybe possibly read further because you might care what happens for your children.

Just know  DC does have to behave with China. Can't exactly make up the rules as you go with the CCP since all those Treasuries which are probably not exactly worth as much
as they are supposed to and are held by the  communist human rights violator du jour. Hilary Clinton makes no sense to me except perhaps to befuddled liberal Demo types and AIPAC fundies as she prattles on about the rights abuses of China while 1,000,000 plus Iraq dead are screaming bloody murder and the drones cruise Pakistan highlands. Arrogant?

Since we are pretty much already in a kind of free-fall from any sense of what USA
as/was/written by the founders  of United States is supposed to be it's wise to assume that "nothing is off the table". We are in Dick Cheneys dark side wetdream and I'll bet some of you are just loving it. Just remeber that old funky hippie saying,
What goes around come around. Just remember they put Guantanamo off the coast of Florida for a reason. 

Desperate to have control, dominance and market share in all areas the Empire has
seized the assets of Libya(including 440 tons of gold-comes in handy for a debt strapped nation no?),seized the assets of Syria's Assad(human rights violator natch, who provided good rendition torture express services for the CIA)and threatened war on Pakistan who has gobbled up a lot of money to "fight" terrorism and also fund various assorted CIA endevors through the ISI. But it's the Paki nukes you say.
Yes. And that Afghan poppy and untapped gold. Empires stretch and they do conquest. It's the name of the game.

Yes, we are the beacon on the hill. The shining city as Reagan quoted. That's why
the rest of the world dear fellow Americans is slowly looking at who might be a good
ally should a certain sick man get sicker. Do you see what I see? Everybody seems to be getting a long memory these days in the global stage. Who's been the fire starter of wars in the last thirty years?

Saudi Arabia runs to China after the Arab Spring breaks out. Iran makes friends down in South America. New missiles going up in Venuzuela courtesy Iran.
China and Russia agree they can trade in Yuan and Rouble. The SDR is being talked about on the side lines in the IMF. The Chinese, Russian, Iranian Central banks are buying up gold as fast as can be.
While the American serf scambles to survive inside the walls outside the rules are changing. This is globalization but it's much more fellow AMerican.

Inflation that really has done a number in the middle east is hitting the protected American consumer and it's going to be coming a bit stronger soon. Since the dollar is reserve currency for now where exactly has all this inflation sprouted from?
Ben Bernanke is doing all that he's doing to keep US markets alive and the present system going but what is the cost?
Ask yourself. Are you better off before 2008 or after?

Pushing off the costs onto other countries will only last so long. The US stock market can definetely be manipulated as it most certainly is right now, but what about the bond market? High Frequency Trading and the Plunge Protection Team can definetely do wonders but how much and when do the swans glide in as they must?

It would probably work out fine as it has in the past if Uncle Sam were brimming with health, vim and vigor and ready to kick some ass. Like in the past with Reagan invoke the old ghosts and banish the demons of threats ot democracy ect.
USA all the way. Besides maybe back then not every last job was downsized, shipped, and packed off to lands unknown. We have the vaunted service and knowledge economy.
Wonder of wonders. Facebook employs how many people? Do you want your kids to work at Taco Bell for a lifetime? And what's so bad about having a manufacturing sector? Germany has one and is doing better economically.

I know many of you think that there is no way anybody could hold a candle to US miltary might. This is true. 800 plus bases and not counting all special ops troops is a definte negotiating tool. It's worked in the past, but due to technology this is getting more cumbersome to hide. That nasty thing the internet alerts everybody whats going on in real time. Harder to invade secretly. Harder to do dirty deeds in the dark.

I would also point out that it's the propaganda or pysops that keeps things in check here at homestead USA but in the rest of the world.....not so much. Newsflash Americans, the rest of the world is pretty hip to the trip of what's going on.

Also instructive is the fact the US military machine relies on your taxes and last time I checked, minus mainstream media koolaid, the economy is only back to normal for the rich and richer. It's not like they are footing the bill on this one. You'd have to be an incredibly dense or naive person to think the top 10% are paying their share to help out as things rapidly turn to shit here in the once great USA.
Since the taxes are skewed already that is a diminishing return if the economy does not turn around soon, as in 2012. That means more cutbacks and the US elite trying their best to maintain status quo. I mean they will get desperate.

I've got news for you dim bulbs out there. The way they like to do this when all else
fails is go to war. Not at first, but all empires make this backfire.First economic means are used. And TIm Geithner is pulling out all the stops on that one. I don't understand all of it but suffice that Tim and Ben are using "EVERY TRICK IN THE BOOK". There's expert better than me to explain but suffice to say Timmy ain't working for you or me.

 Asset prices overblown. No real accounting of the failure of the To Big To Fails.
 Other nations are backing away. New alliances are being born. Who knows how the banks fit in the final picture as the whole system across the world is distorted.
It's just right now DC is the desperate one.

As an American I geuss it's my duty to warn you that it spells trouble in big capital letters. It spells WAR. Not video game war in far off land but real live war without borders and possibly nuclear options in the future. Proxy war/homeland war.

I just feel it's my duty to give you a warning.

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